Hi, I'm Hannah, and I'm 17 and from the UK. I'm currently in sixth form, studying English literature, English language, history and geography and I want nothing more than to be a writer.
I write a lot and watch a lot of movies. I thought a blog would be a good idea to showcase some of the stuff I'v written and review any of the movies/TV I've watched. I'm quite new to the whole blogging thing so if you wanted to follow for a follow or something like that it would be pretty cool.
In regards to TV, I'm a big Doctor Who fan but I also like Sherlock and a lot of BBC sitcoms. My favourite film is probably Pitch Perfect because I'm a massive Anna Kendrick fan. I think I've watched everything with her in at least twice. Music wise, my interests are apparently "acoustic and folk" which I'd consider to be pretty accurate: I love Little Comets, the 1975, Kodaline and... musicals. Yeah.
So, hope you enjoy the stuff I put up here. Don't hesitate to comment either.
Hannah x